Sunday, February 17, 2008

The truth

Ok it's been forever since my last post...oh so sorry! However I have been sick!! I lost my voice somewhere around Tuesday/Wednesday and then went around bragging about how I didn't feel bad I had just lost my voice. God apparently thought that was rude of me so he went ahead and made me feel bad somewhere around Friday. This was the point where my head filled like a balloon and I was sure the best thing was for it to pop off the top of my head! None the less I am feeling better today...not great but it will have to do!

Here are the truths and yes Lisa got both of them right! Many of you got one of them right because I think I have talked often about it!

1. I like to skinny dip and do so every chance I get. BIG FAT LIE!! Hello I belong to the Tuesday Tummy Tuck...there is no way in hell my naked self is going swimming anywhere (not even back in the skinnier days would you have found me doing this!)

2. I enjoy drinking wine. LIE However I am seriously trying to develop a taste for the stuff so if anyone has good flavors or types of wine feel free to let me know (Jen I believe you would be a conosiour here :) Is it odd that I would like to develop a taste for wine?? Hmm...

3. I can function in organized chaos. GUILTY!! TRUE TRUE TRUE Let me give you an example of my organized chaos. You see my desk at school is always full of papers, books and pretty much everything else I drop on it. Come into my room and ask me to find anything on that desk. I will promptly go and lift up this stack of stuff and shift the other stack off to the side and pick up whatever you asked me. Now, if I clean off my desk and put everything away, I will spend a half hour trying to find that same thing you just asked me for. So while it looks like chaos it is very organized to me!

4. I have a book full of poems I have written. LIE! I am SOOO not good at writing poetry. If I can't get it to rhyme I am no good at the has to rhyme (has to do with that whole symmetrical thing...then it's lyrically symmetrical...yeah I'm that odd!)

5. I met President Bill Clinton when I was in Washington D.C. LIE Been to Washington D.C. and been inside the White House for a tour while he was in office, but never met the guy.

6. I am extremely patterned based and everything must be symmetrical. DUH!! This is the truth that you all got right. Anything that has a pattern or a pattern can be made to it, I am good at...Guitar Hero perfect example. I can be playing and all of a sudden I don't even know how I just hit all these notes because I kind of spaced out...but my fingers had the pattern down and did it on their own. And hello me very symmetrical...and it's not always symmetrical like you think...symmetrical in my mind is sometimes different. I have pictures on my walls and they are in one is vertical, next one down is horizontal, next one down is vertical (again back to the pattern stuff!)

7. I have been to Hawaii LIE But maybe for our honeymoon????

8. I don't like to talk on the phone. BIGGEST LIE ON THE LIST ACCORDING TO DAVE! He says I have it glued to my ear permenantly!


Shawna said...

I suck!!

I should have totally got the organized chaos. HELLO you are a teacher. I can not think of a more chaotic situation then a class room full of kids and then to be a teacher you would have to be organized and function.

The symmetrical thing now that is just weird. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay me!! And by the way, I too do not like wine but have a desire to develop a taste for it. I get weird looks when I tell people this.

Jen said...

Dang! I got the symmetry one right!

I tagged you for the Book Meme- You don't have to do it if you don't want to! Half the time I totally forget to do the Meme's people tag me for- but that is another can o worms!

Umm If you are trying to DEVELOP a taste for wine I think the best thing you can do is DRINK IT. It really is an acquired taste. I started out drinking that sweet fruity Franzia pink boxed wine in college and then slowly moved on to Pinot Grigio which is sweeter and then into red wines like Pinot Noir (my fave)- but I also drink A LOT of champagne because I prefer it to wine... but yeah.. that's my two cents. :)

misguidedmommy said...

for wine buy a Syrah (or Shiraz) its austrelian snd delish it was my fave and easiest to go down

misguidedmommy said...

also jen is right best way is to just drink it..also better with right food. i go buy a few cheaper 6.00 bottles of each kind to get the idea then mmov on from there i get the shiraz with mayb a kangaroo on the front

Anonymous said...

Shannon has to mean the Yellowtail Shiraz with the yellow label...yes yummy and it's like $9 bucks.

Um I have a formal complaint...
I don't see the Book Meme you have been tagged Twice for...hmm

I don't see any new chapters to your story...hmm

I hope you are feeling better and hope it's only busy wedding planning that has kept you from blogging =)