Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hell Hath Froze

I'm not even sure how to begin such a blog...most of you are going to go NO WAY HE DID NOT!!!! But he did ladies...he really did.

Dave went to the store and bought me tampons!!!

We needed a few things for dinner and he was the one to go to the store. I said you wouldn't pick me up tampons would you? Of course he looked at me like I was a completely retarded creature and said "uh no". Ok didn't think so but I thought it was worth a shot. I went in to pee. He came in and said "honey I don't like to buy toilet paper for gosh sakes...what makes you think I would buy tampons?" (He also won't buy his own underwear don't ask me why) I responded that I just didn't think it was a big deal, but not to worry about it. Just forget it I'll get them tomorrow. He stared at me with those eyes like he really wanted to be nice and get them for me, but he couldn't sacrafice his manliness to do so.

He came home and I was in the midst of cooking what I could with what was here. He unloaded the bags and just kept handing me the things I was asking for. I never turned around and he didn't say a word. When I was all finished I turned around to see this lovely blue box sitting on the counter. I said "WOW HONEY YOU ACTUALLY GOT THEM!" His reply: Don't ever say I don't do anything for you again...especially not for a long time! Then he waited for the approval...did he get the right ones?

I polietly smiled and said they were right and he instantly knew I was lying! He said I grabbed the pink ones I thought you had the pink ones. I tried to explain to him that yes I used to use the pink tampax tampons when I had really light periods (when I was on birth control), but ever since I stopped I had gone back to the regular yellow ones. I said that now that I was back on birth control that these ones would be just fine because hopefully my periods would be lighter.
Was I to break his heart and tell him they were the wrong ones and that I really wanted the other ones so I wasn't in the bathroom every hour changing them for fear of bleeding to death?


It was very nice of him to get them for me and I really appreciated it. I asked him if it was really that bad and he said yes...I walked around the store forever! Good call...prolong the trip by carrying the box around the store with you forever while you get up the courage to just buy the damn things!

Either way beware...hell may have froze today with this purchase!


misguidedmommy said...

so one night we are in san francisco and i'm on my period. we are super SUPER DRUNK and we just went to the best restaurant ever. We decided to walk home and I was like fuck I need to stop and buy pads. So we go into this Longs or something and I was like I bet you wouldn't buy my pads would you. So my super drunk husband grabs them and marches up to the front of the store and is like yeah I'm buying pads. Then we walk out and he starts jumping around in the parking lot with my pads in his hands dangling them over his head going loook at me i have pads. So I snapped a picture, which I lost because it was on a cell phone and he has never ever ever done it again. BUT he would if i asked, I just won't ask because he would also come back with the wrong ones

Stephanie said...

Ah, super sweet. My dad still has a hard time buying stuff like that for my mom and sister (and me when I lived there). Super sweet he did it...even if the wrong ones. I would just go get the right ones on the sly.

Jen said...

Erick never cares about that stuff. I don't think I've ever made him get me pads or anything but I did make him pick up some Women's Laxatives for me before... HA.

Anonymous said...

Teach him early! LOL! My dad is the man he always went to get my pads because I always forgot to get them in time and he ALWAYS bought the right ones.

I need a man like my dad! :)

Jayla'sMommy said...

LOL, that's so sweet that he bought tampons for you (even though he bought the wrong ones...). I don't think that Jarret would do that for me but then again, I never even dared asking him ;))

Shawna said...

Dude Q has no problem with this type of stuff. He buys it all, pads, tampons, pregnancy tests, condoms. I am even embarrassed to buy that stuff he is like whatever!

That is really cute though that he did that for you. What a sweetie.