Thursday, March 01, 2007


After losing my mom almost three years ago, the value of having your parents around was more apparent than ever. Yesterday, my sister called to tell me that my dad wasn't feeling well. Ok no biggie right, the guy is allowed to get sick once in a while. Well by lunch time, he had passed out in the hall and had thrown up. So he landed himself in the emergency room. My sister was very worried that he was going to have pnuemnoia and that was not going to be good. Turns out that he has bronchitus and they are wondering if he might have a blockage somewhere near his prostrate. He had the option of going home with oxygen and an antibiotic because the Dr. knew my sister was used to taking care of sick people from when my mom was sick or he could stay in the hospital. He chose to stay in the hospital which made me feel better because it will give my sister some piece of mind. The Dr. said that his chest x-ray was the best it could be for someone who was 74 so that was good. But they are going to get back some more blood work today to see what else is going on. His blood sugar was really high when they brought him in and then the prostate thing so we will see today hopefully.

The thing that kills me is the entire time I am hearing all of this (I got pulled from my classroom yesterday because she called the school to tell me) all I could think was I only have one parent left. I'll be 25 in July...people shouldn't have to lose their parents until they are into their like 50s...I guess it's a downfall of having parents that had me when they were much older. But still...I never got to tell my mom about my first day of school as a teacher...she died a month before school started. She will never get to see me get married or meet my children. Even though my dad is healthy overall, I still can't help but think he is 74 and what if something happens to him too? Then he won't get to see me get married or meet my kids. I only knew my mom's mom and she died when I was five so I grew up with no grandparents. I don't want my kids to do the same, at least having no grandparents from my side of the family.

So I guess we will see how today goes. Hopefully I don't get any more emergency calls during school...

1 comment:

misguidedmommy said...

Oh honey. Things will be okay. You know, this might be a time to step back and evaluate the situations in your life. Hopefully, your certain someone gets his act in gear before its too late and both of your parents miss out on your future. But also, your child, will have their very own grandma guardian angel! Thins will work out somehow. It will all work out sweety.