Tuesday, April 03, 2007


So finally after much debate and several test drives...I got a new car yesterday! It's a 2007 Saturn Aura...it was between that and the Grand Prix (anyone who says I should have gone with the grand prix keep the comment to yourself..this decision was hard enough as it was :) ) I went back to saturn to test drive it again yesterday because I just didn't seem to like it as much as the grand prix. Keep in mind I had a grand am so I was a little biased...plus we took a grand prix to AZ for spring break so I got a good feel for that car. The saturn people were really nice and after another test drive I decided that I could be ok in this car. It was pretty much the same as the grand prix but I got no interest on my financing which is great!! So I am excited and although I was sad to see my old car go, I am excited for one that isn't going to break down all the time.

In other news I totally found the ring I want. I cannont seem to find a picture of it online, but it's from roger's and it is BEAUTIFUL. I fell in love with it pretty much instantly and dave really liked it too. He got my ring size (this is a step in a SOON directoin wouldn't you think) and he even let the guy get his ring size since there was a spot for it on the back of the card. He also tried on rings to see what it would look like and it was funny. YOu could tell that he was not used to wearing jewelry and this specific type of ring was going to take even longer to get used to wearing. But hey at least he tried it on...so as soon as I find a picture I will put it up here...he told me that he is waiting for a special moment and by special moment he meant special date that isn't here yet. I can't for the life of me think when an important special date would be coming up soon...my birthday is july 31 that's the only thing and I can think of. He told me it would make sense when it happened because he has it all planned out in his head...

anyone know how to extract thoughts so that I can see this master plan hahaha


misguidedmommy said...

OH MY FUCK! I am so excited. So for it to make sense, means that maybe the date will be relevant to the location, like the first day you met or something, or first time you went to this spot or omg omg omg...I'm also excited about the car. I'm going to look it up to see how it looks now. Also where are the damn AZ picks jerk

Life in a self-inflicted caffeine coma… said...

Good choice on the car. Mike and I looked at it and I heard it is supposed to be one of the safest. Great choice!

On a second note....he'll do it where, when and how you will LEAST expect it and then you will be blown away. Awesome feeling....just ride it out!!!

Stephanie said...

Wow, that is awesome on the ring! It may not makes sense now, but I am sure that it all will when it happens.

Congrats on the car as well. Saturn are good cars.