Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Chapter 26: A "truth" comes out and a friendship ends

I say that a truth comes out, rather than the truth because that is how I feel. The story that was told wasn't the truth (at least I sure hope not), but another truth surfaced that night.

Dave continued to stay with us and he continued to battle about the stupid girlfriend label. One night Elizabeth were home and we were waiting for the boys to get home. The boys usually got off work, then met at the gym and then came home. The finally got home and Dave was really quiet. Kenny (read that blog if you haven't already so you can understand the Kenny story)wasn't saying much but they told us that they had to go to Fernley to get Kenny's extra set of car keys. Elizabeth and I found this odd because they were driving around in Kenny's car. They were gone for a while, but not long enough to go to Fernley and back...hmm weird. Dave came into the house, got his stuff and told me he was leaving. WHAT? Where the hell was this coming from...I hadn't even seen him all day what the hell did I do? He wouldn't tell me anything and stormed out of the house. He said that he would call me later that night and that was that. Clearly I am absolutely dumbfounded here! I have no idea what just happened. I decide to ask Kenny because obviously they had just been together and I was sure that Dave had said something to him.

Kenny told me that he knew nothing. He had no idea what Dave was upset about. I found this to be a farce (and what a lie that little fucker told!) and I needed to think. When I get upset I go for a drive and listen to music. I told Elizabeth to get something out of him and I would be back. She was a good friend and sat and asked him what the deal was. His "response" aka LIE was that I was smothering Dave...that I was just all over him and he needed his space. I come home and Elizabeth tells me all of this. I think it's very odd that Dave wouldn't have just told me this but I feel a little better. We all went to bed that night...KENNY SLEEPING ON THE COUCH IN MY LIVING ROOM. (this is important!) He called like he said he would and he was pissed. He was very sarcastic and short with me. He kept asking me how I couldn't know what I had done...he kept saying "You really don't know why I'm so pissed." Uh clearly I don't...that's when he dropped the bombshell on me!

He told me that I had "hooked" up with Kenny that night we all went out. He told me that Kenny had told him that we hadn't had sex, but that we had done more. I'm sure you all know how I get worked up...I think that comes through my writing. To say my blood was boiling at this point was a complete understatement! To say that I wanted to actually kill a person would have been much more appropriate.

To my knowledge (when I say I blacked out I honestly did) none of this had happened. However, I was honest with Dave. I told him that I honestly couldn't tell him if it had happened but I was pretty sure it hadn't. I didn't know and that was what was scary. It was also what was making my blood boil. Here's my reasoning: First of all I would never had chosen to come home and "hook" up with Kenny over Aaron any night and I told Dave that. I told him that clearly I would never have chosen to pass up Aaron and then come home and done stuff with Kenny...hello Aaron = DREAM GUY!!! Second of all, I woke up with all my clothes on. The same ones I went to bed with. I know when I have some drunk sex or drunk hooking up of any kind, that I do not put my clothes back on...I am going to lay there and go to sleep naked! When I woke up in the morning I had all my clothes on, my jeans were buttoned...everything like it should have been. So that means one of two things...either Kenny is a big fat liar (I like the thought of that one) and made up the whole story OR Kenny is a big fat fucker, that actually took my clothes off, did stuff with me, and then dressed me again so I wouldn't know (see why I really don't like that one!). I was devistated...first of all I felt like I was losing Dave, second of all I felt completely betrayed and violated by one of my good friends! I explained myself to Dave and told him that I really really liked him...I wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of that and I knew that in my heart of hearts. He was going to have to trust me on that one. He said he needed a few days and he would probably call me in a few days. He said he was not going to talk to me the next day so not to call him or anything. For once in my life I respected that and I think it was the best thing I could have done. I didn't talk to him the entire next day. Friday was the day after that and I was leaving to go to Winnemucca. I didn't think I would talk to him and I contemplated going to his work to see him. In the middle of the day, he sent me a text message. It simply said "drive safe to winnemucca." I knew that was my ok to talk to him again...I went to see him when he got off of work that day to talk about things some more. We decided that I would stop in Fernley on Sunday on my way back through to Reno. We would talk that night and see where we were going to go.

You guys thought it was time to go to the next chapter didn't you? You all forgot one important thing...KENNY WAS STILL SLEEPING ON MY COUCH!!!!!! I know this chapter has gotten long but bear with me. While I am talking to Dave that night, that shithead is asleep on my couch. I told Dave I was going out to yell at him and I would call him back. I left my room, went out there and screamed the shrillest scream at him ever! I asked him what the hell he was thinking telling Dave something like that and why in the hell he had never said anything to me after it happened if it supposedly did happen!! He acted like he was asleep and then kept saying "what the fuck" in this really sleepy stupid sounding voice. He kept telling me that I was going to wake Elizabeth up...uh no shit...if she wasn't already awake she's going to be when I go pounding on her door crying because of what an idiot you are!!! I still can't believe that he actually lied to us, telling us he knew nothing and then had the balls to actually sleep on my couch! Anyway...that's where mine and Kenny's friendship ends. He left me a letter the next day and left our house key there saying we needed time apart. I still harbor very ill feelings towards him and I try to get along with him only because it is Dave's cousin. The first few minutes I am around him, I can't stand to be there and then it gets better. But things have never ever been the same between us...he is always very short with me and me with him. I will probably never know what really happened and to me that is ok...all that matters now is that Dave and I are together and he chose to believe me over Kenny that day.


Anonymous said...

OK guess you cleared up that Kenny thing.

Shawna said...

When you confronted him did he still say that stuff happened between the two of you or did he deny saying that stuff?

That is horrible. I am sure Dave knows in his heart because he knows you both that one of you is more trust worthy then the other and he knew you were the one to believe.

misguidedmommy said...

eww eww eww eww eww


i want to punch him


i hope this fucker isn't in your wedding cocksuckermotherfucker