Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chapter 27 and a half: A Side Note and an Update

Shawna left me questions about where things stand with Kenny and if he ever admitted to anything to me that night we had our big blow up. Shannon used all the words that I would have used to describe him (and I love love love her for that!!!) and wanted to know if he was in our wedding. I feel I need to give you all an update and how things played out with Kenny in the years to come.

First of all to answer Shawna's question, no he never once said anything to me that night about anything happening between us. He just kept asking me what the fuck...what the fuck and telling me that I was going to wake up Elizabeth and I needed to be considerate of my roommate! Clearly he missed that rule at our house. I repeatedly asked him about it and he never once said a word regarding what he had told Dave. And you think I'm joking about the 400lbs...that's really what he weighed!!! I must say that now he has had the lap band done and he looks great. He has lost over 200lbs and is doing wonderful...I debate about putting up a picture to show you all what I'm talking about. For some reason, I feel like I should not blast his photo all over my blog. But I'll be emailing them to you soon haha!

To answer Shannon's question, he isn't "in" our wedding. I made it very clear to Dave that while I understand that Kenny is his cousin and they USED to be very close, he was in no way welcome to stand up as a groomsman at our wedding. I said if he felt he needed to include Kenny in our wedding, the most suitable job for him would be an usher (dear god please don't let him walk Shannon to her seat!). I felt I needed to respect that Dave may want him in the wedding and I also felt that Dave needed to respect that I didn't want him as a wedding party member. So that is what he is...he's an usher for us. When Dave called to ask him to be an usher, he actually responded with the comment, "not a groomsman?" I of course asked Dave if he asked Kenny if he was out of his ever living mind because why in the HELL would we want him to stand up for us?? He said no and that he told Kenny besides our siblings no family was in the wedding. Thanks for standing up for me jackass...Dave isn't much for confrontation.

As I said Dave didn't talk to Kenny for about a year. When we all went out in a group if he was there Dave really didn't even talk to him...he might have said hi but not much more. After a while Kenny started to call him and Dave would talk to him. He still respects how I feel about it and so he will go to lunch with Kenny when he knows I won't be around. Or he will talk to him when he knows that I won't be home. It wasn't until about a year and a half where I could even go to the same room as Kenny without freaking out. I was so angry and I didn't know what to think of the whole situation. One night we were all going to go out to dinner. It was the first time since this all had happened that just the three of us were going to do something together. Dave was supposed to be home before Kenny got there but he wasn't. So it was just Kenny and I sitting in my living room for a half an hour while we waited for Dave to get home. He had just got a new car and when he came in I said "oh you got a new car." He responded with a yes and we did not speak another word until Dave walked in. Since then, we have been able to hang out with Kenny. We don't do it often, maybe once every three months or so. Dave will go to lunch and stuff with him, but we don't often all hang out. When I first see him or he walks in, those first five minutes are hard for me. I think of all that happened between us and I get angry. Then that passes and I tell myself that I have to be the bigger person, move on for the sake of it being Dave's family, and appreciate what I have in my life right now, Dave.

One thing I find very funny about the few times we would hang out with Kenny was that he ALWAYS managed to bring that night up. He would mention how fun that night was and how drunk we all got and all this stuff. I always gave him this glare like why in the hell would you ever bring that night up again! Especially in front of Dave. Not sure if it's his way of rubbing it in or what, but it always peeved me. The thing was was that his story ALWAYS changed. He never told it the same twice and I started to point that out to Dave. I told him that I never changed my story and still today I still told it to you guys the same way I told it to him that night. But Kenny's story was never the same. One night we were all talking and Kenny mentioned that I was so drunk I couldn't walk myself up the stairs. He said "I had to carry her to her room and I put her to bed and then went and watched TV on the couch and went to sleep." My ears shot up immediately because when he was telling this version of his story it was just he, Dave and I at dinner one night. I promptly kicked Dave under the table to draw his attention to what was just said. It was Kenny's little slip up that proved that I had been telling the truth all along and that Kenny had lied about the night! If I was so drunk and he had to carry me to my bed, there was no way that I was coherent enough to have done things with him. When we got in the car I asked Dave if he heard what Kenny had said and he said yes. I said that proves' everything I ever said and he told me that I was right. I guess some of that doubt had to have left his head that day and he must have known for sure he had made the right choice.


misguidedmommy said...

so. lets say he ushers me down to my seat.

i can't promise i would't say

OHHHH YOUR THE JEALOUS FAT FUCK WHO TRIED TO SCREW MY COUSIN! Nice to finally put an ugly face to the name. GO fuck your mother

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! I just busted up at Shannon's comment. You have no idea how mean the two of us can be. We won't make a scene promise, but do know we will both be wishing evil thinkgs upon him once we figure out which one he is!

angie said...

I just busted up at Shannon's comment too!! I'm glad that you will contain her to not make a scene haha! You can say all you want in your head haha!!

Anonymous said...

I got your save the date card, just wanted to tell you it's very pretty!

Shawna said...

Ha ha ha I could so see Shannon saying that.

What a little well not so little effing liar.

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking here for ever... when are you going to update?? :) I'm hooked on your story.. obviously we all know how it ends, but you just write it so well!

Shawna said...

where you be at yo?