Thursday, July 12, 2007

Meeting Grandpa

Tuesday night I got to meet Dave's grandpa. This is the first family member that I have met from Dave's dad's side of the family. I was very nervous to meet him because he is very Mormon and well the f word is the top word in my vocabulary! I stressed all day over what to wear, made sure I was very conservative and presentable. I was under the impression that we were going to Dave's dad's house because Dave's dad and his sister don't get along...did I mention his sister is Kenny's mom...I've shared about Kenny before I'm sure of it.

Anywhozits...we get to Fernley to find that Mike (dave's dad i was tired of typing that out) was still at Susie's house! That meant that I didn't get to meet grandpa in a small get to know eachother kind of setting...I had to meet him and be spend time with Kenny at the same is a girl to do this and now use the f word?

Well I managed. When I got there Dave introduced me and I went over to shake his hand. He quickly informed me that he didn't want to shake my damn hand (he cussed!!) because he only hugged family. Then he told me that he heard a lot about me...YIKES...if from Mike good...if from Susie not sure! I was quickly introduced to the fact that he likes to argue, about anything. If you said it was cloudy outside he would say it was sunny. And he doesn't do it because he thinks he is always right (well about silly arguments anyway). He does it because he likes to watch people argue and debate. He and one of his granddaughters got into a political debate and you can assure that I just nodded and smiled and nervously played with my water bottle. Hello you don't debate politics with many...and certainly not a strict Mormon that you are trying to impress! I thought he was nice and he liked that I was a teacher.

I think we are going out there again tonight so we will see...I am still looking for the chance to really get to know him where he doesn't have 15 other people all talking to him at once.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh gosh I always get SO NERVOUS around Erick's family and they aren't even MORMON. They are all just very nice, conservative, (VERY) Christian people and HELLO I am like a Neo-Pagan Buddhist with a side of agnostic. Soo yeah.

They HEART G.W. bigtime too which drives me CRAZY!

But everything always goes well. Oh but I have TWO bridal showers that I am going to with ALL of his female relatives, none of which I know and the only person I will know is my sister and Erick's sister and wow it should be interesting.