Monday, January 14, 2008

Chapter 7: The Five Days of New Years

We are skipping ahead to New Years 2004. Not much happened during the time of the skank. We all hung out and I still dated Jonathan. We would go out dancing on the weekends and Dave would make out with me and then I would go home to Jonathan and he would go back to acting like a puppy dog over the skank.

New Years of 2004 was going to be just that for me. It was going to be a new year with totally new adventures. I was going to be student teaching, graduating in May, and best of all I was about to be legitimately single!

That New Years, Jonathan had some friends come up from Vegas. We were all supposed to go out together and he ended up leaving earlier than me. We met up at Pacific Beach (hell it went through so many names I'm not sure that's the right one either). He was with his Vegas friends, and I was with Steve, Dave, Eric and Monica. I didn't care that I wasn't with Jonathan. I was happy to ring in the new year with the people that were making me happy. We all met up down at the club and Jonathan was a drunk mess. He was dancing around acting like a complete jackass. I was super embarrased and tried to pull the whole girlfriend roll about his drinking. But really I didn't care...I was more concerned with where Dave went. Jonathan and I ended up getting into a fight and decided not to spend the evening together. He went off with his friends and I went off with mine. I however wasn't so happy. I knew that I was about to start all of these new things and I knew that Jonathan and I were about to be done for good. I didn't want to lose my comfort blanket if you will, but I knew I had to. I vaugely remember the night and me having to find him down the street because he was so drunk he was lost. He was a complete ass to me and pushed me out of his way. Dave happened to see and although he was really drunk, he grabbed me and said that I deserved better. He told me it was time to let him go. And that's just what I did. When we got home the next morning, we talked and we decided that we were going to take a break. He knew it would be permenant, and while I knew that was what was best, I was trying to hang on to him because it was safe and comfortable.

I spent the next three days (me and all the boys and monica had spent the two days before new years eve all together too) surrounding myself with the three boys. We went out every single night and they got wasted. I went with them and just hung out. I watched them all hit on girls and act like idiots but to me it was better then being around my house at the time. There was nothing normal there. Jonathan walked away from 4 years of a relationship like it was nothing. But the girl in me had to be a little sad...I had dated this person for 4 years! It was the right thing to do...I had to have a certain mourning period right?

The last night we all hung out the boys were wasted and I had pharyngitis. Same thing as laryngitis except it's in your pharynx. I could hardly talk and I had to start student teaching on that Monday. But I still went out with the boys. Steve and Eric picked up on some girl that was way younger then them and just as dysfunctional. Long story short she ended up telling the boys she was pregnant after they got her shitfaced and she couldn't stand. We all drove her home and she ended up throwing up all over my car in the backseat and all over hind sight he deserved it. While the boys were busy picking up on this girl, Dave was busy helping me soak up my sorrows in the corner.

We spent much of the night talking about everything that was suddenly happening to me. He was being super sweet and incredibly flirty. I was getting the vibe that maybe all those make out sessions were a little more than just him wanting to try and hook up. You see up until this point in the story that's all we had done. We only made out and had some major sexual chemistry on the dance floor. But we hadn't hooked up.

Yep, New Year 2004 was going to be the start of a very different life for me.


Anonymous said...

New Yeas is a great way to make major life time decisions...the timing sounds so great for you guys.

Shawna said...

I understand that whole comfort thing. It sounds like you decided to make a change for the better.