Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Veronica Mars and nonsense

Ok I have never seen the show Veronica Mars...I don't watch it and probably shouldn't start in the middle of however many seasons this is. But I was told by two different people that the damn superbowl proposal that was supposed to be on a superbowl commercial had been moved to this show last night. I watched the show. Then my eyes got heavy....yeah I fell asleep for like the last two sets of commericals. DID ANYONE SEE THE DAMN PROPOSAL...DID IT HAPPEN OR WHAT??? Good lord I need a freaking life!!

That's all for this fine morning.

I will have more to write after my day today at school...have I mentioned I have a student teacher...yeah there's plenty to write about there!


misguidedmommy said...

i have no clue what this proposal is that you are talking about, is it local or what

Life in a self-inflicted caffeine coma… said...

I checked into this just for you. Mainly because I was the one that told you to watch Veronica Mars for the darn proposal. Anyway, it WAS on, but the guy could only afford to put it on in one region and it came on between 9-10PST in his region. So no, I didn't see it either.

I did pull it up though. He has an entire webpage dedicated to his silly proposal.