Monday, April 07, 2008

Frustrating Day

From the previous posts, you wouldn't know I was very frustrated today. But I am!!

Our yearbook at school is due today. Teachers have to put their pages together and have them turned in. We know that these are all due all year long, and yet we all put them off to the last minute. Don't get me wrong...I finished my today at 4pm. We all procrastinate and we all do it. But the teacher that usually puts the whole thing together and sends it off to print is unable to help this year. Her mom is dying and she just can't spend the extra time at school. Clearly I do not blame her. This is why I offered to HELP if she needed anything. She was also my lead teacher when I was a student teacher and I can't tell you how wonderful she was to me with my mom being so sick. She would let me go home early on Friday's or leave anytime I needed if I needed to get home to Winnemucca. I went to Winnemucca every Friday so that's why she let me leave early most Fridays. Helping out on the yearbook was the least that I could do for her at a time like this after how wonderful she was to me in the same situation.

Well as I said I offered to HELP...not do the whole thing! Apparently (and I don't know that this is the way it truly is) our boss told her that me and Chrissy would do it. No one asked us, he just told her that we would do it. Well I offered to help, but I never volunteered Chrissy so not sure how she got thrown in the mix. I take it as a compliment that he thinks I can get this done on time for Wednesday and make sure that it is right. However, if he really did just tell her we would do it, I would have liked to have been asked. As I said I don't mind helping, but I have never done the whole thing on my own and I don't want to screw it up because I'm not sure what goes where! Anyway...this stressed Chrissy very much and I don't like her to's not good for her and it's especially not good for the baby. So I told her not to worry, but she will because she doesn't think it should have all been dumped on me either. Anyway...that's what's frustrating me.

Shannon would be proud because all I wanted to do after spending three hours after school trying to put the pages that I had from teachers together (this is not including what they will all turn in tomorrow!) was come home and eat Olive Garden. Particularly this...

Ravioli's in alfredo sauce plus of course the 15 breadsticks that I was craving. But did I go to dinner and have that...NO!

I had this...

The raspberry chipoltle salad at Quizno's for 490 calories! And you know what...after I ate it I was very satisfied and glad that I didn't go to Olive Garden! (I took a picture of my actual salad, but honestly I'm too lazy to go get my camera and load a picture of the salad on here)

I also wanted to go and walk my dog after school, but as you read above I spent three hours after school doing yearbook so I didn't get to do that either!


Jen said...

That salad looks freaking AWESOME.. YUM!

misguidedmommy said...

that salad looks sooo tasty